Conference Day 3 TAGA24

Day 3 Wednesday June 5

TAGA24 Conference

Wednesday is a day to enjoy the mountains. You hike out with new and old friends or join the crew on the zipline.
Plan ahead, bring adequate water, sunscreen. A lunch is available from the dinning hall.

You may also stay back and work with a collaboration. No judgement whatever you decide.


Hour Wednesday June 5 Location
7:30-8:30 Breakfast Dinning Hall
8:00-12:00 Challenge course Challenge course
11:20 Open work or Play time
Westside Classroom,
Adjacent Lodges,
& Rec Hall
12:00 Lunch Dinning Hall
Sack lunch available for hikers
1:30 Open work or Play time
Westside Classroom,
Adjacent Lodges,
& Rec Hall
6:00 Dinner Dinning Hall
7:00 Free time
Socialize fire place, deck & lodges
Westside Classroom,
Adjacent Lodges,
& Rec Hall

Link back to conference home


Ropes Course

You should have signed up at registration but if you change your mind speak to James Wilson in advance.

Find out more at Challenge Couarse


There hikes for every mode from 5 minute strolls to hours long hikes. Recreation on the Mountain Campus

Additional Questions?

If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to a maintainer / contributor on the contact page.

Conference Day 2 TAGA24

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