Conference Day 2 TAGA24

Day 2 Tuesday June 4

TAGA24 Conference


Hour Tuesday June 4 Location
7:30-8:30 Breakfast Dinning Hall
9:00 Nick Vannieuwenhoven: Sensitivity of tensor decompositions Westside Classroom
9:40 Coffee & Tea Westside Classroom
10:00 Cole Gigliotti: Skewness (sometimes) Does Imply Causation Westside Classroom
10:40 Edinah Koffi Gnang: A combinatorial perspective on the tensor rank and the BM rank Westside Classroom
11:20 Open work time
Westside Classroom,
Adjacent Lodges,
& Rec Hall
12:00 Lunch Dinning Hall
1:45 Coffee & Tea Westside Classroom
2:00 Focus Talks
Seungjai Lee [Aspen]: Quadratic forms in enumerative algebra
JM Landsberg [Blue Spruce]: Centroids of tensors of minimum border rank
Aspen or Blue Spruce
5:00 Lighting Talks Westside Classroom
6:00 Dinner Dinning Hall
7:00 Free time
Work, Socialize or both
Westside Classroom,
Adjacent Lodges,
& Rec Hall

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